Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Joy Overflowing

Recently I lost a friend, a friend who I knew in high school.  This friend and I lost contact over the years as we both moved on and got married.  Just in the past 6 months I reconnected with him through a mutual friend of ours and it was a blessing to be able to say hello again.  Unfortunately, our families would never end up meeting and our reunion was short.  He was always one that had a smile on his face, a word or expression to say about anything and everything, and a quick one liner that would make anyone blush.  He was also a very devout Christian man who I noticed at a young age, loved His Father in Heaven.  Hearing about his dying really hit our former youth group hard and we all rallied around the family via email and letters.  The more time sank in that he was gone at such a young age, the more time I had to think about how his JOY is overflowing in Heaven.  I can see him face to face with our Lord and Savior, just relishing in the idea that he is in the presence of the almighty King.  No more worries about life on Earth.  Just dancing, singing, and pure JOY.  That JOY that I picture right now is what I can't wait to see and have when I go up to Heaven.  This life on Earth can be great and full of some joy but when compared to the JOY you will get in the halls of Heaven for eternity, it is nothing.  I love my life, I love my husband, I love my children and family so much that they give me pure and unadulterated JOY each and everyday.  But to know that my JOY will be 10-fold, 100-fold, 1 million-fold comparitively makes me fall to my knees.  The Lord our God is the source of our true JOY and I never want to forget that.  Put all things aside that make me less than joyous and keep His precious face in my minds' eye.  Just focus on the face of Jesus.  Focus on the eternity.  Focus on His majesty.  JOY is for all who seek Him and I just pray that you find that JOY in your life with Him as your center.  I hope one day to dance in Heaven at the feet of my precious Savior.  I want to bow down and worship Him with all consuming love.  The picture I have of our old friend makes me smile.  I know he is where he wanted to be and know that his JOY is brimming over the top.  Love the Lord your God with all your soul.......keep the JOY deep down in your heart but let others see it shine through you.  May God bless your week.


  1. I am sorry about your friend, Kristen. You are right, though; with all of the joy Christ allows us to experience in this realm through Him, it is mind-blowing to think of being in eternity with him. God bless all of you who miss your friend.

    Thank you for your card! It was so sweet of you to think of us. And, I completely understand having a gift for months before remembering to do something with it. I am 25 and already old. You're sweet! Love!

  2. Good post, Honey. Good thoughts, too. Thanks for sharing.
