Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Daddy

She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear.  She sighs a deep sigh and smiles a big girl smile.  Her hand is firmly grasped in his hand as they wait for the cue.  She can tell his arm is shaking a little and her heart is beating faster with each stanza of music coming through the tall, double doors.  Is this what she is supposed to be doing?  Is she supposed to take this big step?  She is thinking that this is the most magical time of her life and can’t wait to start a life with the one she loves.  Then she hears a whisper.  “You look beautiful.  Keep a stiff upper lip.”  Her dad, clasping her hand in his, slowly walks her down the aisle toward her new life, a life without him.  She will always be his little girl but another must take his place in her life.  It is the way it is supposed to be.  Her father, always gentle and caring, kisses her on her cheek as she starts her new life.  
Fathers.  Aren’t they wonderful?  Aren’t they the cure all for an achy heart?  Aren’t they the ones that always make things alright?  Not everyone has that sort of dad but my dad was very much like that.  I always knew everything would be okay as long as my dad was around.  Even when he was traveling on business, I knew he would be home and that life would be safe and good.  My mom, I know, loved to have my father home because it just meant that we were a complete family.  Together always.  
We all have a Father in Heaven that we know we can always count on no matter the circumstances.  He knows what we are going through.  He has cried a thousand tears for what we cry over today.  He longs to hold us through the storms of our life and carry us in His capable arms over rough, bumpy ground.  His strength is in His words, His being, His love.  He is everything.  He is the ultimate daddy.  I love my daddy, my one on Earth that He placed to take care of me.  But I absolutely adore my daddy in Heaven, the maker of Heaven and Earth.  The one who knew me before I was even formed.  He has been with me from the beginning.  I love that knowledge.  No matter how tough things get, I know that I can always count on my great Father in Heaven.
Remember God is your Father.  He is our great Father, our heavenly “Daddy”.  Hold on to Him and let Him know that you love Him too because, yes, daddies love to hear they are loved too.  Give Him praise and glory even during the tough times.  He sees your beginning and end.  He knows the now.  Let Him guide you through your life.  He is the one you can lean on as you walk down the aisle towards the next adventure in your life.  Yes, there may be tears and there may be stumbling but He is always there to help you up and give you a hanky.  
I love my daddy.  I love Him with all my heart.  I want to speak to Him first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  Those bedtime stories I remember with my dad are such an important childhood memory.  Those times when I would be woken up in the morning by my father as he threw all my stuffed animals at me in fun, I will remember.  I want that sort of relationship with God, my Father.  I want Him to be a part of every facet of my life, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun.
She stops and turns and looks at her father.  He looks at her proudly and shows his love by just a single smile.  She knows in her heart that this is the plan that God has for her.  She winks at her father, says “I love you” to her mother, and then turns to her husband to be as they start the ceremony.  What a lovely moment.  Cherish those times with your father and cherish those moments with your Heavenly Father.  He only wants the best for you.  
Dear Father, Daddy, I love you with all my being.  You are my maker, my friend, my father and my hero.  I thank you for the life you have given me and I thank you for the life I will have.  I pray that you watch over every moment of my life and may I do all things for you Lord.  In Your Son’s name, Amen
Jeremiah 29:11-13  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”