Saturday, January 22, 2011

Light Through the Clouds

Today, as I was running with my sister in one of the most beautiful places in Nevada, she told me something that will stick with me for a long time.  The moon last night was especially bright but not only was it bright, it was massive, like it was sitting right there to touch.  Picture the mountains of the Sierra with the moon perched right at the top of the ridge and all its glory is pouring out of its immense structure due to the sun.  Breathtaking was the moon last night and when you have nights like that where you see something that is impossible to describe, I feel you have seen the hand of God.  She said that when she was looking at the moon, she was driving home from work and the song "Light Up the Sky" by the Afters was on the radio.  She had to pull over and just let it sink in.  It was as if the Lord was speaking to her through the beauty of the moon and the song talking about the fact that God lights up the sky for us so we know He is with us.  He is with us always.  But isn't it wonderful to know that sometimes He wants us to see physical representations of His almighty presence.  How many people looked up at that moon last night and just stood in awe?  How many of us looked at it and drank in the love that God has for each and everyone of us?  Everyone is going through tough times at different times of their lives and to know that He is there to shine the light on your life and bring you out of the darkness into His all welcoming arms just blows me away.  He can be anywhere and everywhere.  It doesn't matter where you are in your life.  He knows you intimately and wants you to know that He is there and has cried tears with you through every trial and situation.  So the next time you see the stars, the sunshine, the moon, the Northern Lights, and the sparkles from the morning dew, realize that it is a love note from God telling you that He is there, now and forevermore. 

1 John 1:5  This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.


  1. Thanks for writing that, it was breathtaking and humbling and will stick with me too, for a long time :)
