Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Stillness of Peace

Think about life without peace.  Many of us have experienced that, are experiencing that, or will be very soon.  It can be a daily thing, coming and going for hours on end.  Life without PEACE is empty, frustrating, scary, uneasy, downright sad.  I look at all these people that say that they have everything they need in life, yet they still feel as if they are missing something.  You could have all the celebrity, money, things in the world but if you don't have the Almighty God fully in your life, you will have no PEACE.  Seems that is what we all want.  PEACE.  PEACE.  PEACE.  Just the sound of the word makes me think of a time when I was at the beach listening to the sounds of the surf coming in over the sand, very softly and gently, brushing my feet as I walked.  PEACE, a calm that carries us into complete serenity.  The sound of a whisper in the wind, the sound of your child's small breath as they breathe in and out while they are sleeping.  PEACE is so still, that it just takes your breath away.  Your heart feels so full of the LOVE of the Lord, the JOY of the Lord and the PEACE and stillness of the Lord.  I find it fascinating that almost all the time God reveals Himself in quiet situations, whispers, gentle breezes....that to me makes me think of PEACE.  Our world is a very unPEACEful place.  It is no wonder there is so much unhappiness in our world because there are a lot of people, sadly, who do not accept the Lord as their Savior and haven't felt the PEACE that only He can provide.  Just yesterday I felt the PEACE I felt after church and my personal time with God get pushed to the side because "life" takes over.  It does take over but you know we are the only ones who can choose to let "life" take over or let PEACE that He is providing to us prevail.  When I feel that PEACEfulness creep into the background of life's noise, I have to hold strong to my Savior's hand and let His PEACE come back into my soul, my being.  Many of us have had things happen in our lives that just strip us of PEACE.  They leave you helpless, weak and spent.  We have to be like Job and look up out of the muck and mire of this life and let His PEACE just pull us out.  To go through trial and tribulations is a part of our life here on this mortal earth.  Just let PEACE be with you always so that you can get through those times in one piece and you will find yourself growing in Him.  Your walk will get stronger, your time with Him will get longer, your outlook on this life will grow brighter.  I wish that bad things didn't happen to people, but it is what it is.  God can bring us through those times.  Only He can bring us through those times.  God is all powerful, loving, awesome and there for us to give us His PEACE and serenity.  Just like the JOY and the LOVE that He so freely gives, we have to accept this gift as well.  Dear Father, I just thank you so much for your peace.  It is only with you that I get through my day.  I don't know how I did it before I knew You.  You are my everything.  You are my Peace.  May you just cover us with your royal robes, keep us wrapped up in Your arms.  Even if the storms are raging around us, calm the sea for us.  We lift our eyes to you Lord Jesus.  Thank you for all that you do.  In Your Son's Name, Amen

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.  For he himself is our peace."  Ephesians 2:13-14