Friday, November 5, 2010

Hugged by God

You know, it boggles me when someone says that they don't think God cares or is even there.  God is an integral part of our life whether we believe that or not.  Stand back and look at how God is a part of your life.  Feel your heart beat.  Feel your breath in and out.   Think that funny thought that makes you laugh.  Touch your child's nose.  Listen to the breeze going in and out of the trees.  Focus on the colors of the fruits and vegetables at the supermarket.  See the different Fall colors as you drive along the river.  Hear the whisper from your loved one's lips.  Experience the laughter of your children as they are playing.  Smell the ocean as the surf kisses your toes.  Take in all that surrounds you.  Now take a deep breath and move in closer to God.  Put your arms around your shoulders and squeeze.  Consider yourself hugged by your Father, the Father in Heaven who loves you so much that He did everything He could to make it possible for you to be with Him for eternity through the blood of His Son Jesus.  Now can you say you are not loved by Him?  The whole natural world around us is His love letter to us, His children.  We are the greatest creation of all and for that I feel pretty good about being taken care of by my Lord and Savior.  Every beautiful thing in life, we cannot take for granted.  Even the funny things in life.  My daughter says that God has a sense of humor because He created animals like giraffes, elephants and frogs.  He must have had fun creating all these things in life knowing that we would delight in them too as well as look at the funny side of things.  I am so blessed to be embraced by God each and everyday.  The sun peeps in through our window in the morning as a way for God to say Good Morning my beloved.  He surrounds us with awesome beauty but He also surrounds us with amazing love.  Drink in all He has to offer you.  I guarantee your warm fuzzy feeling will grow.  Let His light shine in you and through you so others may behold the beauty that He created. 

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