Saturday, August 20, 2011

God Answers

God isn't always going to answer the way we want Him to answer. He doesn't answer to us, we answer to Him. I know in my heart that when God said it is time for someone to go home, that is what is supposed to happen, no matter how hard it is for those left behind. When you know someone who has been a good person on this Earth and a family that has embraced all He has done, you know that God's ultimate will was done. My friend told me last night that she knows that God has had a big hand in her husband's life. He has been alive longer than he should have been alive and it is but for the grace of God that he is still here to see his family grow up. I know it will be so hard for them to say goodbye when the Lord calls him home but know that they know they will see him again. God is such a gentle Lord, one of great mercy. He has cried for them and He will cry again with them when that time comes. Oh God, you are unshakeable. You are our one and only Savior. I am so glad that this family knows you and loves you just as I do.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No Such Thing As Randomness

Yes, I already shared with you that I am a self proclaimed space nut and love all things to do with the air around us.  Last night, after the kids were in bed, Erik and I went out into our backyard to run the dog and watch the stars.  The moon was still sort of full but the brightness wasn't as much.  Looking at the stars, I began to wonder, did God put the stars up there in an orderly fashion or did He just randomly place them there?  There are so many beautiful constellations, most of them from the Greek mythological points of view, but beautiful nonetheless.  Then I thought, He didn't randomly choose to make us.  Each purposefully chose to make each and everyone of us.  We are part of His ultimate plan.  He perfectly made us from the very first part all the way to what we are now and He is still perfecting us through His Spirit.  The same might be said of the universe.  No matter how large the universe is, I know in my heart He didn't just randomly create the beauty up there.  Each and every star up there is known by Him.  Just as each and everyone of us is known by Him.  He takes care of the details and I am just so thankful for that.

As we went back inside to go to sleep, I was thankful that my husband and I got to share this together.  The beauty, the peace and calm (we live in the country so you can see the stars every night) and the awesomeness of it all!  I love the Lord my God.  Have a blessed day everyone!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Meteor Shower!

I got up at 3am to see the magnificent meteor shower. I have to tell you a secret. I am a space buff. Just the thought about infinity around our little earth just really intrigues me. I woke up very quietly so as not to wake up anyone else and tip toed down the long hallway. My excitement was there as I made my way to our door when all of a sudden, the full moon hit me in the face! Okay, there was not going to be any viewing of the meteor shower but I had some good one on one time with my Savior just looking at the moon that He created. It brought to mind that He is always there looking out for us. This giant moon is to light up our dark, dark world and He is here to brighten up our dark, dark society. I just looked and looked at the moon and no words could come to my mind. I just breathed and smiled. God, I love you and no words can express the time we had last night. Silence is everything and I feel so blessed by your presence in my life.

Monday, August 1, 2011

At A Loss.......

I really don't know what I am doing Lord as a parent.  Why did you bless us with a headstrong little person to raise and take care of throughout life?  I love being a parent.  You know Lord I would never trade it for the world, but sometimes it is so hard.  Many years ago, I remember the times on my knees, asking you for a child to come into our life.  We prayed and prayed and waited and waited.  Your timing is perfect Lord.  She came at the right time in our life.

Our children were born with different problems and it took all we had to just get back on our knees and talk to you Lord.  Why?  Why are they so little?  Why are they not as healthy as other babies?  Didn't I do everything right?  I just know now, that you were listening and crying as well for us.  You knew they would make it.  You knew their little personalities.  You knew that our eldest when she was a baby knew what she wanted and when.  You knew when our youngest had a twinkle in his eyes, that our house would  be enlivened each day.  I love them so much Lord.  I thank you for them.

But I am at a loss.  Our children are turning into such fine little people Lord Jesus.  I have you to thank for that.  Our eldest is getting baptized in a month and I am so happy for the fact that she came to that realization by herself.  We haven't prodded her one way or the other.  But there are times when I think that this world, the evil in this world, is going to pull on her and make her act in ways that are not like you Jesus.  What can I do when she is throwing a fit for some reason or other?  I can only lean on you Lord.  I ask for your help.  I ask for your guidance.  No amount of books in the world will help us be the parents you want us to be.  We have to discipline in love but stand our ground.  It is so hard to be a parent.  I always thought it would be easy Lord.  I was sorely wrong.  As the days go by and she gets older, please lead us in the way you want us to go with her.  I want to be the best parent for her and raise her to be a loyal follower of you Lord Jesus but all I can do is give her a foundation as a parent.  She has to do the rest.  Let me lay her at your feet Lord.  Let me realize we can only do so much and then it is up to you.  You are the one that can move mountains.  I know you can help with this parenting adventure.  Like I said, most of the time I am at a loss.  I need to just give it to you and let you guide us and guide her.

Miss Ladybug, I love you little girl.  You are my love, my miracle, my daughter.  May your life be full of special blessings just as the Lord has blessed us many times over.  I just pray that you love the Lord with all your heart and seek Him in all your battles and trials in life.