Monday, January 24, 2011

That Tiny Whisper

This Sunday, our amazing pastor, asked for people to come forward if they felt led to and publicly recognize that they need their walk with the Lord to be on the straight and narrow.  We usually don't have altar calls as a common thing at our church, although people do go up occasionally to get some prayer.  We have been learning about the 7 churches mentioned in Revelations 2 and 3.  He has been talking about the fact that we, ourselves, can be one of these churches but the church we ultimately want to be like is the Church of Philadelphia.  They were faithful, always letting God lead them even in times of trouble.  He looked down on them with favor in His eyes.  He said that if anyone of us felt led to go up and confess, repent for what we are doing in our walk, now is the perfect time.  God loves when we want to make things right with Him.  I was standing there thinking that I am just way too shy to go forward and I think, yes, my walk could use some help but I couldn't figure out in my mind which church in the book I most connected with that day.  As I was standing there, the song was playing, everyone's eyes were closed, I heard a still, faint whisper.  Then I heard it again and I turned to my friend who was sitting next to me.  I knew it wasn't her as she was deep in her own thoughts.  There was no one else close to me.  So I just kept my head bowed and closed my eyes again.  I heard it again, the same whisper, saying "Just trust in me."  "Just trust in me."  Yes, this is something I have been having to deal with for a long time now.  I know to trust in Him, but do I totally give myself over to Him and let Him deal with my life?  Most of the time I want to but I have to say that I don't always let Him.  So as I was there with my eyes closed, the tears started running down my cheeks, fogging up my glasses as I repented.  I repented of the fact that I don't let Him take care of it.  I don't give myself fully to Him to work miracles in my life, although He has done many in my lifetime.  I repented that day to fully give myself to Him and know that my life and whatever is going on in my personal life will be done with Him by my side.  I have to remember to trust that He has my back.  He has me by the hand and is walking me through this wonderful, learning life.  I worry about finances and how am I going to go back to work after being home for 8 years with my children.  I worry about our health and our children's health each and everyday.  I worry about how we are going to do the things we want to do in our lives.  I worry about everyone in my family.  I worry about my friends and what they think of me.  I just plain WORRY!  I am not to worry.  I am to put my complete and total trust in the Lord God, the Alpha and the Omega, the One who created the Earth, made me in my mother's womb.  He is mighty to save and mighty to trust.  Lord I just thank you so much for that powerful message we received yesterday in church.  Oh my heart leaps for you Lord Jesus.  I love you so much.  I know that each and every person that went up to the front of the church had different, personal reasons for being up there with you and it amazes me that everyone in the building could feel Your Spirit moving.  Even if I felt that your tiny whisper on the breeze was intimate and solely for me, I know that you are an uncontainable, powerful God and each and everyone of us can have that same tiny whisper in our day.  We just need to listen for it because You are there with us.  I feel so blessed to have heard You and I thank you for Your convicting words.  I get down on my knees for you Lord.  My life is Yours and always has been Yours.  In Your Son's Name, Amen

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