Monday, March 14, 2011

I Need Patience NOW!!

My day started out pretty well and then I went to the gas station.  That pump was the bane of my existence!    It hurts enough to fill my car with gas but to have a gas pump laugh at you while you are pumping is not my idea of a sense of humor.  I tried and tried to lock the handle of the pump but it wouldn't lock.  Mind you, it was cold and windy and I didn't much want to stay standing out there in the elements.  But unfortunately I had to stand there and baby this pump through gallons and gallons of gas.  Okay, I hate to admit it but I talked to the pump.  Yes, I thought I lost it too.  A lady on the other side looked at me and told her friends that I was talking to the pump.  A teensy bit embarrassing.  I was just out of patience and by the time I hit the "help" button to let the attendant know that their pump didn't work right, I was finished with pumping the gas.  By the way, the button to call the attendant didn't work.  I could have gone in but I had the kids and the dog in the car.  I just couldn't leave them in the car.  Needless to say my patience was thinner than paper, thinner than air, thinner than thin!  I was angry and I needed to be filled with Patience and quickly.  I bowed my head and prayed a short prayer and knew that God would fill me as long as I let Him.  (He was most likely laughing too at my behavior or crying.)  Whichever, I knew that only my Father in Heaven above could give me Patience through the Spirit He so freely gives me.  I have the Spirit in me. Why don't I rely on the Spirit I already have in me that I received after I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior?  We think that we can do things on our own.  How ridiculous this illustration is on patience, it made me think about all the things in life that I think are not important, really are to Him.  He loves me no matter how small I think my situation is in life.  He is our biggest cheerleader, cheering us on to the finish line in the race of life.  He wants us to work on our endurance, our perseverance and our maturity.  Like a good running coach, He is one that makes sure we train through our trials.  Yes, I may not be fast or able to leap tall buildings on my own but with Him on the sidelines, watching my every move, I can do anything.  That hurdle down the straight away looks daunting but all I have to do is run, set myself up for it and go over it when He says. Yes, He could easily move the obstacles out of my life but He doesn't always.  It is for us to go through it with His direction.  As long as we see Him out there saying "I am here.  I am.", our race is successful even if there are some stones and holes on the path to get there.  I am looking forward to the day that all that I went through reveals His glory ultimately and I can look on His face in Heaven and know that His love and direction was what got me to where I am forever.  Think of the ending of the great race of life.  How glorious it will be to go through the ribbon at the finish line with our Heavenly Father waiting on the other side with open arms and words of love.  I can't wait for that day. Yes, life on Earth is hard and it will get harder but my eyes are firmly planted on my coach, my creator, my Father in Heaven.  My hope lies with Him.  May you find that Hope in your life and may His light shine on your situation.  Give it all to Him.  God bless.....


  1. I needed this reminder. Thank you. :)

  2. You are welcome Nicoll......I obviously needed that reminder;) I think everyday. Hugs to you and the family. God bless....
