Saturday, October 2, 2010

Convenience store Christian

This has been on my heart for a while now but I never got it down in pen.  Picture your run of the mill convenience store, say 7-11.  It has all the things you need to have if you are in a hurry and can't stand in the long lines at the grocery store.  It has gas for your car, drinks for your thirst, food for your tummy, and movies for your entertainment.  One stop shopping.  We drive in and get our things and then off we go again into the world with our convenience item usually at a higher price.  We get on the road and that is that.  Well to me sometimes I notice that Christians can have that mentality when it comes to our Christian walk.  We want something fast and easy and then get on with our life.  We want to be able to go to church, please no longer than an hour, so we can get out and watch our children's games.  We want to pray to God when things are crazy, most likely only at the stoplight while we are steaming mad at the person that cut us off.  But no more praying now.  I have to hit the road, take the kids to the game, get the groceries for the fancy dinner tonight with friends, and, oh, yes, need to pick up that extra skinny hazelnut latte on the go.  We push God out of the way slowly but surely.  Our walk with God has to "fit" in our schedule.  Hmmmm, I have an extra 10 minutes here.  I could do my study and then I have to get dinner started.  We set the timer or better yet, we get distracted and start doing something else while our Bible is open to that long forgotten passage.  God wants us all the time.  He wants us with Him all the time.  If there are opportunities out there for you to get right in your walk with Him, go for it.  There is a Women of Faith conference in Sacramento next month and it is a once a year opportunity.  Many people have legitimate reasons to not go because of work, schedules, and childcare.  But many people don't.  I am not pointing fingers at anyone as I have been there myself many times.  But I really feel that people don't want to commit to something that is going to take them away from their family for a couple of days.  These same people can go and attend sporting events far and away without a thought.  My head is trying to get around this.  This time with God I feel is so special.  It may not be many people's idea of fun but for me it is right now.  I prayed long and hard about it and know that that is where God wants me to go.  Not being a person that likes crowds, it should be interesting but if I am there knowing that I am going to grow in my walk as a child of God, a mom, a wife, a woman, a Bible study leader, then it is worth it to me.  I don't want any of this convenience store junk in my life.  I want Him in my life.  Yes, the day may be longer if I go the extra mile to include Him in all I do, but what an amazing day that will be if I do so.  If you feel that you have put God in a place in your life where it is more important to get a drink at Starbucks or put Jesus on the shelf because you are too busy to talk to Him about your day, then get right with Him.  I have had to many times.  I should say God has had to remind me numerous times that it is not about life in this world but it is about Life With Him.

God bless.......

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