Sunday, October 24, 2010

God's Ranch

This morning our pastor gave a very good and in depth sermon on black and white when it comes to Jesus.  We either follow God and believe in Christ as our Savior or we don't.  There is no such thing as a middle of the ground place where you can take ideas from one and ideas from the other.  It is either black or white.  Well that got me to thinking about God and the fact that that is very true and real.  Look at God's world, our world with Him, as a large ranch.  Millions and millions of acres of grass, trees, rivers, mountains.  One thing is missing though.  No fences.  I remember growing up we had a white picket fence that went around our whole backyard.  The white picket fence was not one that you would really want to sit on due to obvious reasons.  It was pretty and very homey.  On one side of the fence was an enormous, beautiful, old weeping willow tree.  It was a favorite for neighborhood kids and us to climb.  But we had to climb it on the side of our yard on the other side of the fence.  Part of the willow tree's branches hung in our backyard too and so it was a neat place in our yard to hide.  One day I decided that it would be pretty cool to start climbing that tree on our side of the fence but I had to stand on the fence to get up into the tree and reach a branch.  Well the branch was quite high and the fence wasn't.  So try as I might, I got up on the fence and stood on my tip toes when all of a sudden I found myself lying on my back in our strawberry patch in our garden!  I finally learned that the only way to truly get up that beautiful tree was to start climbing it on the side of the fence that was outside our yard.  That was the only good and safe way to get up there.  That fence did not help me one bit.  In our life we see fences as a way to keep one foot in God's world and one foot in the world's world.  But sooner or later that fence is going to give way and then you will be in a world of hurt.  There is only one true way to God and that is through His Son Jesus Christ.  It is a black and white issue.  No sitting on fences.  There are no fences on God's ranch.   Once you are on His ranch, there is no need for fences or fancy gates.  They are just an obstacle on our walk through His glorious property.  Hold His hand, walk freely along the river bank, skip down the dirt path through the meadow, tumble through the flowers as you feel the breeze blowing against your face, talk to God freely.  If you see a fence in the distance, don't go near it.  You don't need to know what the surrounding land is like because it is of the world.  God's ranch is the only one you will ever want to explore.  The world's land will be filled with goatheads, poison ivy and barren desert land.  It won't offer you the nutrition you need to survive.  There are no livestock on the world's land but rather cheap imitation things that say that they will give you life but instead it gives you death.  God's ranch will give you all you need to be healthy and strong.  It has livestock galore, plants of all kinds to help nourish you, water freely flowing for the taking.  God's power is behind all these things.  Come on, hitch a ride to God's ranch.  Let the fence be at your rear forever and keep on riding into the vast openness of His word.  It is either one or the other.  As for me and my house we choose to serve the Lord.  His arms are waiting to welcome you home.  Just keep your eye on Him and you will find your way to the only ranch you will ever want to see.  God's ranch. 

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