Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tapestry of Life

Once again I was listening to a song and for the life of me I can not remember the name.  It was about God's tapestry.  That got me thinking again and I realized how true that is and how amazing an analogy that would be for us.  Tapestries are beautifully woven pieces of art you see hanging in grand castles overseas.  Their colors are all deep and blended together.  The craftsmanship is to the minute detail.  First of all you have to understand the background of making a great tapestry.  It is set up on a vertical loom and there are two sets of threads used.  One is the warp thread which runs up and down the length of the loom and there is the weft thread which runs along the width of the loom.  God is the weaver, the great weaver of our life.  We know that.  He knit us together in our mother's womb, brought us to life and leads us now.  We are on a journey greater than any journey we will ever know.  Consider God's strength, His Son, His Spirit, His very being as the "warp" thread.  He is the backbone of the tapestry.  He is the one that runs the length of the loom, making sure that the stability of life is held up by Him.  We are "weft" threads, running along His tapestry parallel to the width.  He guides us along the way.  Sometimes we don't make it all the way to the other side of the loom.  Sometimes we stop in the middle.  He uses us to fill in a particular spot or design in the tapestry that is only centered in a certain area of the tapestry.  Likewise, in life , we are made to fill a certain part of our church, our family, our life.  This filling in combined with all the other threads makes one amazing picture.  Oh, what a glorious sight that must be to the Lord.  Even if threads break, designs misconstrued, colors fade, the whole tapestry will still be a masterpiece.  Our lives aren't perfect but with the "warp" threads of our Lord holding us together, we can do anything.  His mighty hands hold us together even if our threads start to thin out over time.  He can bolster us up and add more strength to make us who He wants us to be.  When He was forming us in our mother's womb, He knew what our lives would hold.  He knew His plans for us and also He knew we had free will.  He knew when we would use that free will to go against Him and when we would use it to please Him.  The tapestry of life is hanging up in Heaven, filled in with all the beautiful people that have come before us and those that are coming after us.  Our life is intertwined with theirs to make His kingdom.  Oh may we always remember that we are His masterpiece.  He loves us so much that He would do anything for us and He did that with His Son, Jesus Christ.  Now He lives within us with His Spirit so that we may be guided through life.  Life is a beautiful thing if we only give the maker the thread and let Him pull us through.  Let Him lead you.  You will find rest and a life that you could never have if it weren't for the greatest craftsman of all.  God you are a magnificent God.  May your tapestry be a testament to Your love You have for us Lord.  

1 comment:

  1. I have not heard that song, but how fun is the Spirit's work? Over the past week, after hearing a friend's life testimony, I have been obsessed with the metaphor of God's grace working throughout our lives as the beautiful embroidery in a tapestry. Thank you for writing this and explaining the process of tapestry-weaving. God is good. I'm so thankful for the many moments He reminds me that He's working in me and others when I worry things will only end in chaos. God is a good Weaver. :)
