Saturday, August 21, 2010

Little Miracles

Today I was looking at my two children swimming in the pool and thought they sure have come a long way since the day they were born.  McKenzie on the way to the pool asked me, "Mom, how can the mountains move?".  I told her of course earthquakes can make mountains move.  She wanted to know how God could move mountains.  That got me thinking as we were looking at the mountains all around us, how awesome and scary that would be.......God moving a mountain.  Sand Mountain, east of Fallon, is a perfect example of a mountain that was moved by the wind.  A mountain of sand moved over a period of years over to another side of the valley is not something you see everyday.  To actually see that happening, I think I would have had to sit down with my head between my knees.  I don't think I could imagine what that would be like.  I told McKenzie that God can move the mountains just by whispering "move".  The mountain would listen to God....He is the creator of all things.  So then I got to thinking while they were swimming, God can be active in huge miracles like the parting of the Red Sea, the quaking ground when Jesus was crucified, the walking on water by Peter.  But He can also be a maker of all little miracles too.  That is when I thought of our kids.  They were miracles in and of themselves from the time that they were knit in my womb.  God knew each of them, talked to them, comforted them, gave them power to do what their little bodies had to do in that period of time.  Just so wonderful to know that He was in there with each of my children, placing His mark on each of their little hearts.  Their birthmarks show the kisses left by God.  Of course when they were born they were put right away into the intensive care nursery at the hospital to keep them alive.  Being born early like that and at very tiny weights, their chances of survival could have been worse.  But God kept His hand on each of them.  I remember walking into the nursery seeing all these babies wrapped up in little blankets, carefully laid out in their isolates.  They resembled to me caterpillars in their cocoons waiting to change into butterflies.  Just the stillness in there....I could feel God working on each one of them.  It is something I can't explain but I felt His presence so strongly in that room with all the machines and monitors beeping.  Those are the smallest, most beautiful miracles God performs in my opinion.  His hands are everywhere in our lives.  Whether it is moving a mountain or making a child's little lungs work because they are too little.  God doesn't decide what is more needing of His power.  He is in everything.  For that I am so thankful.  He is our mighty Lord, creator of all the universe....who are we to say that our problem isn't big enough for God?  My friends, God is there all the time just waiting for us and to show us His wonderful works.  We just have to look through the tears and see Him.  It may not be now, it may not even happen during our lifetime, but it will happen.  Nothing happens on Earth that can't be used for His glory.  Oh for us to be able to see how our problems and concerns turn out in the end.  I for one am trying to look for His miracles everyday......look all around you and you will see at least one.  I promise. 


  1. Very true! Each day He touches our lives, even when we aren't thinking of Him. He cares. It's who He is. He loves us. Isn't that awesome? That the CREATOR LOVES HIS CREATION to the point that He gets into OUR face until we do something about Him! Thanks, Kristen, for your thoughts. Hugs. Karla

  2. I really love and agree with your writings, Kristen! God's miracles and answers to pray surround us every day all day long. He is truly an AMAZING God!!

  3. Kristen, this is beautiful! Even if I wasn't pregnant right now, it would have touched me. I've asked God many times in the last several months to get to know our child inside and out as He is forming him or her in my womb. Just imagining the dark, still, warm environment makes it easy to imagine God in there with our baby. Perhaps if most of us could turn off the noise in this crazy world, we could be more aware of the little and big miracles God is performing.

    Would you mind sharing your children's birth stories with me? If you do not want to, then please don't feel obligated. I just like hearing them. God is good. :)
