Driving along the beautiful Truckee River today, winding through the suede covered mountains and hills, I heard a song on the radio talking about God and our falling in love with Him. Falling in love with Him. I had to mull that over a bit in my brain and thought yes, that is right. I want to fall in love with Him just as He has fallen in love with me even before I was born. So I was pondering those moments when we first fall in love with that special someone in our lives. Remember that moment that you first met your true love? Remember the feeling you got in your belly when you first laid eyes on him? Remember the uncertainty you felt when you first spoke your first words, what to say, how to say it? Remember the first time you touched that person's hand or that person when you hugged? Remember the "jolt" of electricity when you just knew that this was someone I would love to be with everyday? Remember the moment after your first date when you were standing there, the probing eyes as you were trying to read the other person's feelings? Remember the first weeks and months of your relationship as you called each other, went to dinner, wrote letters as if you hadn't seen them for years? Remember the feeling you would get when that first love would call you and how you couldn't wait to talk to him again? All those memories are very strong for me as I think of my husband of 15 years. I am so blessed that God put him in my life and I am even more blessed to know that those same feelings for my first love, I can feel for God. Of course not in the physical sense but rather in the sense that He is our first love. He loved us even before we were formed in our mother's womb. I so want to have that first love relationship with God. The wanting to talk to Him at all hours of the day. The wanting to someday walk with Him hand in hand in Heaven. The wanting to see His face and see the love He has for me. I want to have that awe when I think about how great He is and how He is absolutely indescribeable. Don't you want to be with Him everyday? Write letters to Him in a prayer journal? Talk to Him at 2am if you can't sleep? Just know that He is near and in our hearts? My friend, you can have that relationship with Him. Just set your eyes up to the Heavens, talk to Him, let Him know you are there and need Him so much. Your "First Love" will never leave you. He will always want what is best for you. His love for you is unfathomable. Doesn't that just send chills down your spine?
Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Wow, Kristen, so well put! Oh, how I, too, long to keep falling in love with my heavenly Father. Thank you for the reminder of His love for me!