Friday, May 13, 2011

Ever Wonder What God's Plan Is For You?

Kindness and goodness is part of the Fruits of the Spirit.  God loves us so much, just as we do our own children.  I know in my heart that I am learning about God's love for me through my job as a parent.  I love being a parent.  Yes, it can be difficult many times and other times so wonderful that you feel as if you have a dream life.  Most of the time I am somewhere in between.  As I listen to my children, laugh one minute and argue the next, I know God has those moments with us too.  How many times have we said, "No God!  I am not doing that!"  Or "No, not my job."  "God, I don't want to go up to that person and talk to them."  It is the adult equivalent of our children.  God has a plan for you.  You may know what it is and you may not.  I know many days I have absolutely no clue what the Lord wants me to do with my life here in Fernley, Nevada.  "By the way, why do I live in Nevada anyway?  I am a Northwest girl, God.  Don't you know that?"   He wants me here for a reason and just recently I have begun to embrace that with open arms.  

He has a time and a place for each and every one of us.  Does that boggle your mind?  Does it blow you away that the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Creator of all things, knows little old me?  It is even more amazing that He has a plan for little old me.  He has saved us to do very specific works in this world.  We have a job to do.  Whether it is as a parent or the bread winner of the family, you have a job.  But there are other jobs He has for us.  They are His gifts He bestows on us through His Holy Spirit.  My prayer is for each and every one of you to sit down in a quiet area, no distraction whatsoever and open your heart and mind to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Ask Him to reveal to you what it is He wants you to do in this specific time in spiritual history.  It would be so nice if we had a definitive answer in our minds but most of the time we don't.  We have to rely on Faith.  He made us with free will.  So we have to take that into account when doing what He wants us to do.  I wish I knew all the things the Lord has planned for me to do as a job for His kingdom.  So today or in the next few days, I am going to reflect on His life for me and ask Him point blank, what He wants me to do.  I would love to know why the dark clouds of life seem to come in through windows I thought long closed.  I would love for Him to open the big French doors to the life He has made for me.  But for right now, I need to leave the porch light on and hope that soon I will have that answer with the opening of my front door.  I don't want to rush into my house and quickly close the garage door behind me.  I want to know so that I can start living my life with more divine purpose.  He is our Creator, our Father, our Guide.  I love Him for that.  I hope that you too can see the path He has for you.  Step out of your house, into the garden and follow the path He has set before you.  (If you live in Nevada, yes, you will find spiky tumbleweeds along the way, but it is temporary.)  He has such a wonderful life for you.  Give Him your time and your Faith.  

Dear Father, I pray that you show us the purpose you have for each and everyone of us.  I pray for better understanding of how to recognize this "job".  You are all knowing and also so loving Lord that you want what is best for us even if we don't know what it is.  I thank you for your love.  In Your Son's name, Amen

We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10

1 comment:

  1. I specifically needed THIS spiritual encouragement today. Thanks, Kristen! :)
